Public Art Partnerships build cross-sector coalitions to create open and transparent public calls for paid artist opportunities that enhance the city’s profile as a place where artists are valued as community builders.
Our collaborators include local businesses and organizations like the Blackstone Business Improvement District, PJ Morgan, the Little Bohemia Neighborhood Association, the North Omaha Trail, Millwork Commons, the Omaha Public Library’s Central Library, and more. Together, we’ve realized public art projects that invite participation and thoughtfully activate public spaces.
Current Public Art Partnerships
Click below to visit our Happenings page and learn more about our partners and recent Public Art Partnership projects.
Public Art Partnership Archive
Browse our archive of past Public Art Partnership projects to see installation images and learn more about our collaborators.
Partner With Us!
Amplify has a track record working collaboratively with businesses and organizations to host public calls for artwork of every size and scope. Each stage in our process (engaging stakeholder groups, crafting equity-focused applications, assembling selection panels, and providing industry expertise and logistical insight) is context-driven and designed to respond to specific project needs. Fees are negotiable, but start at 20% of the overall project budget.
Our transparent process for promoting and supporting public art contributes to successful community engagement, as well as positive public relations.
Our experience serving as the center pivot between artists, businesses, and organizations moves projects forward and ensures their longevity.
Through our programs and services, we have worked with more than 500 area artists, helping us cast a wide net and highlight the incredible diversity within Omaha’s creative communities.
We advocate in support of maximum opportunity and engagement on behalf of area artists, centering BIPOC and LGBTQ2+ identities, and are dedicated to processes that result in at least half (51%) of all artists selected self-identify as a member of a community or communities that have historically faced discrimination or been denied access to institutional support.
We have extensive experience working with stakeholders to establish call-for-artwork priorities and drafting evaluation criteria, overseeing the recruitment, engagement and preparation of selection committees, and hosting applications in Submittable.
Please tell us more about your project and someone will follow up within 3 business days.