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Join Amplify's Community Advisory Group


As a democratically led organization, shared decision-making is vital to how Amplify operates. Alongside our staff and Board, the Community Advisory Group actively guides Amplify’s work by informing decisions that shape its future.

Composed of artists, culture workers, and organizers committed to moving our city forward, the Community Advisory Group meets quarterly throughout the year (February, May, August, November) to consider Amplify’s role within Omaha’s arts ecosystem and offer feedback about how it can better support the collective exploration of liberatory ideas across creative disciplines.

Community Advisory Group members are also organizational ambassadors and are encouraged to share Amplify’s upcoming exhibitions, panels, publications, open calls, and partnership opportunities with their networks.

They receive a $200 annual honorarium ($20/hr for approximately 10 hrs/year) and commit up to 2 years. After their first year, Community Advisory Group members may have the opportunity to be elected to Amplify's Board. Their participation in the Community Advisory Group and Board is capped at 4 years total.

Community Advisory Group members will be selected by Amplify’s staff and Board based on organizational need after careful evaluation of each applicant’s responses to the questions in the form linked below.

Applications are open July 1st - September 30th. Email anytime with questions. Ready to apply? Click below and help us strengthen Omaha’s creative communities and make our city a better place!