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Omaha Gives .35k FUN(D) RUN for the Arts

  • Amplify Arts 1419 South 13th Street, Suite 103 Omaha, NE 68108 United States (map)

Omaha Gives FUN(D) RUN for the Arts
.35k Walk/Run/Roll

In 2019 Amplify Arts will award $35,000 (or 35k) in grants to local artists. Our Artist Grants program seeks to eliminate financial barriers that a lot of artists face, allowing them time to experiment, create new works, or organize a public project.

What better way to celebrate Omaha Gives! than to host a really fun event that celebrates our favorite thing: giving money to artists!

Join us for a .35k Walk/Run/Roll on Wednesday, May 22, 2019.

Walk, Run, or Roll 0.01 kilometers for every $1,000 in grant dollars we award to artists each year. We kind of tried to do the math, and that works out to about 380 yards (because who cares about the metric system, amirite?)

Get physically ready for the "Race" with free beverages, snacks, and a guided stretch. Get mentally ready for the "Race" with an artist-curated pump up playlist. Take a break during the race (because almost 4 football fields is a lot, okay?) and complete artist-designed obstacles.

“Race” finishers can savor their achievement at the photobooth or donation station**. This “Race” is obviously very official, in that your status as a finisher is based on the honor system. We’re not keeping track of all those laps, ya hear?

**Yes, this event is to celebrate our community’s giving day Omaha Gives, but you do not need to donate to participate. But if your heart is set on it we won’t stop you. Every donation we receive helps us support local artists and build a stronger Omaha through the arts.

Can’t make it to the FUN(D) RUN but still want to share some love for local artists? No problem, you can party it up online by donating on May 22nd, or scheduling your donation ahead of time starting May 1st. Link to donate:

Keep reading for more “Race” details:


Who can participate? Anyone! This event is Adult and Kid and Exercise-Averse Person friendly.


4:00 PM // Registration Begins

  • Sign in and get your official FUN(D) RUN race bib

  • Get hydrated for the race with a free beverage and a snack

  • Get physically and mentally ready for the race with an artist-curated pump up playlist
    and a short guided warm-up

5:00 PM // “Race” Begins!

  • Executive Director and self-described avid indoorsman Andy Saladino will say some words

  • With a wave of the flag, the race begins!

  • Walk, Run, or Roll 3 laps of the green space. Watch out for the artist-designed obstacles along the way. Have lots of fun!

5:15 PM // Celebrate!

  • Grab your official race finisher .35K sticker

  • Donate to Amplify Arts at the donation station (if you want to!)

  • Purchase an official 2019 FUN(D) RUN T-shirt

  • Savor your success at Tiny House Bar with a custom race cocktail


Join us at the starting line (and finish line...they’re the same line) in the old Bohemian Cafe parking lot on the southeast corner of 13th and William.

Parking/Transportation: There are several options for getting to the race. Omaha Metro Bus stops are located at the NW and SE corners of 13th and William. There is a Heartland B-Cycle station located on the NW corner of 13th and William in front of Koenig Dunne. If you’re driving, please be aware that the parking lot will be closed to traffic. However, there is tons of street parking along William, 12th, and 13th Streets.


  • Dress for the occasion. What’s cooler than a sweat band?

  • Take a selfie at the photobooth after you finish. Tag us @amplify_arts and use the hashtags #ISurvived380Yards and #SupportLocalArtists

  • Donate to Amplify Arts at the finish line and support local artists! (not required to participate)

  • Stick around to re-hydrate with free refreshments or a custom race cocktail from Tiny House Bar

  • Shop for vintage exercise gear right off the rack from Roland Fitz

  • Celebrate our awesome community of art lovers and philanthropists


The parking lot where the event is being held has no stairs or curbs. The “Race” will take place on the concrete/asphalt parking lot and walkways around the grassy area in the middle. There are some uneven areas in the concrete and asphalt, caused by cracks, rubble, and gravel. There is a slight elevation in the alley directly adjacent to the Amplify Arts building. There are ADA restrooms located in the Amplify Arts building, which are accessible by ramp or stairs.


HUGE thanks to these amazing friends & neighbors for their support:

  • PJ Morgan Real Estate

  • Archetype Coffee

  • Tiny House Bar

  • Roland Fitz

  • Omaha Running Club

  • Keep Omaha Beautiful

Earlier Event: May 10
Power Colors