AC Interview | Lydia Cheshewalla

“I think that it can be really hard to work with any type of structure that is rooted in capitalism on anything that is inherently non-dominant culture driven belief systems, on anything that is based in gift ecology, on anything that asks for collective ownership.”

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AC Interview | Alajia McKizia

“So, to have support from the community without having to do the whole nonprofit thing, it just felt right. I felt a sense of urgency and and the only way to do it was just to do it, just to catapult into it. That was an innate reasoning, and it wasn't really a choice, it just happened.”

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AC Interview | Nathaniel Ruleaux + Jonathan Orozco

“I just think the more people can understand that Indigenous people are greatly lumped together in our pop culture, in our textbooks, and the more that they can learn about the specific history of where they are, and the people whose land they're on, the more good they can actually do and the more that they can actually get involved.”

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AC Discussion | 2020 Alternate Currents Working Group

On November 19th, 2020 Alternate Currents Working Group Members sat down for a virtual conversation, moderated by Annika Johnson, to discuss how culture stands up for nature, and water, more specifically, by centering concepts of reciprocity, care, and ecological justice in individual and collective creative practice.

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